Warrior Woman: There is an inner strength in women, all women. I often felt that tough strength during major challenges in my life. My mother had that brawniness, that endurance. She was part of that order of strong warrior women. They are my sisters, colleagues, my wartime partners. I hold onto them and at times absorb them with every bone of my body. If ever there was a time for the warrior women in all of us to show that strength, it is today. This painting is dedicated to the fight in all women everywhere.
Thank you: Ruth, Eleanor, Malala, Greta, Michele, Gaga, Jane, Liz, Betti, Golden, Amelia, Billie Jean, Emily, Frida, Harriet, Althea, Madeleine, Gloria….
Media: Acrylic. Size: 30x30 inches
PACKING AND DELIVERY a separate charge / PICK-UP available
This painting is also available in a Giclée Print. Check the link ‘MORE’ for size and ordering